Solid CTs for Metering & monitoring

Taehwatrans offers an extensive line of toroidal current transformers for power metering and monitoring applications. Product portfolio includes revenue grade metering CTs, DC immune CTs, Protection & Monitoring CTs, High Frequency Monitoring CTs, Multi-Harmonics Monitoring CTs and Voltage Measurement CTs. This vertically deep and horizontally wide categories of CTs are attributed by Taehwatrans’ 40 years of application engineering. Our products are UL Recognized for both US and Canada and Measurement Canada certified. RoHs compliant. They are epoxy encapsulated to provide protection from the environment.

Supreme Accuracy current transformers consist of a variety of CTs, for example, HVCT / MVCT Revenue Grade Metering CTs, Multi Harmonics CTs, Smart Metering CTs, Isolation CTs and Arc Plasma CTs. They are widely utilized in 0.1/0.2 class meters and different types of energy measurement devices that require the highest accuracy class in the market. Taehwatrans is a power house capable of providing all sizes of current transformers for a variety of smart grid applications.


Revenue Grade Metering CTs

0.1 and 0.2 Class CTs with excellent linearity and low current sensitivity.


Protection & Monitoring CTs

Supreme accuracy for Monitoring & Relay.


DC Immune CTs

Metering of DC component and AC current .


Voltage Measurement CTs

Best-in-class accuracy with winding isolation.


Multi-Harmonics/ High Frequency Monitoring CTs

BAccurate multiple harmonics and high frequency measurement.